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System Requirements

WEL-KIDS PHOTO (the service) recommends our customers to use our service under the following environment in order to use all of the features normally.
If it does not meet our standards, there are cases that the service does not function successfully.

Required OS
Microsoft Windows 10
Macintosh OS X 10.11 or newer
Required browser (For Windows users)
Google Chrome latest version
Firefox latest version
Microsoft Edge latest version
Required browser (For Macintosh users)
Safari latest version
Google Chrome latest version
Required system speck
CPU:2GHz or more
Memory:1GB or more
Resolution:1024×768 or more
About JavaScript
In order for our customers to use our service conveniently, some pages use "JavaScript."
If JavaScript setting is set off in your browser setting, it may not behave or be displayed normally.
We recommend you to change your browser setting and set JavaScript active.
Note: JavaScript is automatically on after installing browser.
About SSL
In order for our customers to use our service safely, we use encrypted communication technology called "SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)" in some of the pages that deal with personal information.
By installing SSL, the web site deter intercepting and tampering of personal information by a third party.
You do not need any special configuration to the browser when using SSL, however, some old version browsers cannot display the pages.
In that case, we recommend you use supported browsers listed above.